
Branding, Digital & Web

Branding & UI Design


The brief on this project was to come up with a rebrand and apply it to a concept web landing page. The original website, called Educate GE (General Election), was a hub where 24 political engagement organisations could offer resources to educators, all in one place. The original logo was looking quite tired and in need of some fresh direction. The client also came up with the new name Democracy Classroom. I went through a process of evaluation and pinpointed the primary aims of the rebrand as follows: counter stereotypes of politics as old, dull and drudgerous, inspire educators to believe they can engage and inspire students, create a strong and versatile logo which says education and fun, symbolise the cornucopia of resources available through fun iconography, additionally bring in secondary graphics to enhance the design and reference the political nature of the content. The hands are a symbol of student engagement and political engagement – the two core aims of the website.


Democracy Classroom


February 23, 2021

Raw Chocolate Concept

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